
Para Barrar o Golpe Fascista!

Enquanto centenas de milhares de pessoas tombam vítimas da COVID-19 em todo território ocupado pelo Estado Brasileiro, Bolsonaro se prepara para assegurar seu controle do Estado: difundindo discursos de fraude eleitoral, armando seus apoiadores e buscando obter mais controle sobre as polícias. Como barrá-lo e impedir que sejamos controlades por um regime ainda mais autoritário e violento?

Crass - You pay

You're paying for prisons. / You're paying for war. / You're paying for lobotomies. / You're paying for law. / You're paying for their order. / You're paying for their murder. / Paying for your ticket / To watch the farce. / Knowing you've made you're contribution / To the systems fucked solution, / To their political pollution. / No chance of revolution. / No chance of change. / You've got no range. / Don't just take it. / Don't take their shit. / Don't' play their game. / Don't take their blame. / USE YOUR OWN HEAD./ Your turn instead.