
Asimov's new guide to science

What is science?

One can appreciate and take pleasure in the achievements of science even though he does not himself have a bent for creative work in science. Initiation into the magnificent world of science brings great esthetic satisfaction, inspiration to youth, fulfillment of the desire to know, and a deeper appreciation of the wonderful potentialities and achievements of the human mind.

I am a signpost

I am not a prophet by trade: I merely write science fiction. However, in May 1939, when I was but nineteen years old, I wrote a story I called "Robbie". It was about a robot of the year 1998. It was clearly an electronic computer, but I had not bothered to foresee miniaturization (I never thought to call these brains "computers" till the real thing came along). I spoke, therefore, of "positronic brains", mentioning them first in a story called "Reason", which I wrote in November 1940. I brought into existence a research establishment that designed positronic brains (computers, that is) and, in a story named "Runaround", written in October 1941, I named the science "robotics". Apparently, I was the first person in history to use that word, though I was not aware of that. I thought the word existed. It exists now, of course, and my often-repeated "Three Laws of Robotics", first explicitly stated in "Runaround", may well have helped bring the word into actual use.

The left hand of the electron

My business and my passion (even in my fiction writing) isto explain. Partly it is the missionary instinct that makes me yearn to make my readers see and understand the universe as I see and understand it, so that they may enjoy it as I do. Partly, also, I do it because the effort to put things on paper clearly enough to make the reader understand, makes it possible. for me to understand, too.

The army of the night

With creationism in the saddle, American science will wither, and we will raise a generation of ignoramuses who will not be equipped to run the industry of tomorrow, much less to generate the new advances of the days after tomorrow.