The concept of "god" invented as the antithesis of life - everything harmful, poisonous, slanderous, the whole hostility into death against life synthesized in a gruesome unity! The concept of the "beyond", the "true world" invented in order to devaluate the only world there is - in order to retain no goal, no reason, no task for our earthly reality! The concept of th "soul", the "spirit", finally even "immortal soul", invented in order to despise the body, to make it sick - "holy"; to oppose with a glasthy levity everything that deserver to be taken seriously in life, the questions of nourishment, abode, spiritual diet, treatment of the sick, cleanliness, an weather! In place of health, the "salvation of the soul" - that is, a folie circulaire between penitential convulsions and hysteria about redemption! The concept of "sin" invented along with the torture instrument that belongs with it, the concept of "free will", in order to confuse the instincts, to make mistrust of the instincts second nature!
Friedrich Nietzsche
1844 - 1900