There were other important circumstances in Adolf Hitler's life wich were influential and found their fulfillment in totalitarian systems.
A. He was born from a peasant stock, by tradition prepared to carry a heavy load of work, with persistency.
B. He was baptized in the catholic church, an institution well know to have totalitarian orientations, and wich up to this day in principle proclains authority over all the catholics in the world. Having absorbed that totalitarian orientation from childhood up, which applies also to Mussolini, Stalin, etc., it was simple for those so trained to switch to state totalitarianism, where such leaders could find a "lebensraum" for themselves as individuals, thus enhancing their own "egos", and incidentally filling their pockets. No one who has actually studied the public appearences of various totalitarian "fuhrers" can miss the utter similary between their reactions and the reactions of the mobs to them. They act like little "gods on wheels", and the mobs react with unreasoned, blind, fanatical subjection, wich the fuhrers and their aides know how to manufacture.
C. Hitler was born into Austrian bureaucracy, one the most inefficient, dishonest, hypocritical, etc., bureaucracies in the world, permeated with the Hapsburg motto, "Divide et impera". The older Schicklgruber wanted his son also to become a Hapsburg bureaucrat. Schicklgruber, Jr. had a natural repulsion for them, and so deliberatery boycotted any education, to disqualify himself for such a fate. This lack of education ostracized him from the class of so-called "intelligentsia", to wich Hapsburg bureaucrat eventually belonged. Through living necessities he had to become a plin labour hand, yet because of his paranoia tendences, delusions of grandeur based on unhealthy worship of historical "heroes", etc., he was also not acceptable to the plains workers, who are generally sane and do not look at life as a wagnerian opera. So in reality he found that he was not acceptable anywhere, belonged nowhere, a misfit everywhere, until he adhered to totalitarianism as a "religion" which he and his closet associated modified to suit Prussian character, selected by them as a standard of german perfection, to be imposed on the rest of the world.
D. When he joined the German army with its orderly efficiency, etc, he found an ideal for himself as an escape from Hapsburg decadence. No matter how he hated the Hapsburg polite perfidy, he was too much of an Austrian not to utilize to the limit the Hapsburg methods. Ultimately through this combination of methods he "out-prussianed" the Prussians, who particular arrogant, brutal methods were never approved and often disliked throughout the world and even in Germany.
I give these data as partial explanations of how through life and other circumstances the whole life of Hitler, as well as his political program, was based on hate, revenge and destruction of what he feared and hated as a person, driven by his delusions of persecution and grandeur. It was only natural in his "chosen people", obviously there is no place in this world for two or more "chosen people". The absurdity of hitler's ignorant antropological theories has been definitely established by science and history, and in fact are not taken seriously by many of the informed nazi leaders them selves.
Some such analysis of a few of the more important factors in Hitler's life indicates how it is "mental" illness developed, involving "inferiority" and "persecution" complexes, etc. And explains why for his own comfort he surrounded himself personality with mostly psychopathological people, although their psychiatric classifications may be different.
Very soon psychiatric treatises will be written on the "Jehovah complex" of Schicklgruber, Jr., etc. Perhaps the following quotations will ilutrate how the "Jehovah", as recorded in exodus 19 and 20, is being copied today:
"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be mine own possession from among all peoples: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shart speak unto the children of Israel [Nazis]".
Or, "I am Jehovah thy god, who brought thee... out of the house od bondage [England].
Or, "for I Jehovah thy god am a jealous god, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that hate me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
Or, "An altar of Earth thou shalt make unto, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt-offerings, and thy peace-offerings,thy heep, and thine oxen: in every place where I record my name I come to ee and I ill less thee."
These suggestions re em only to indicate how psychiatrists can help future historians.